Peer Coaching Series
Are you interested in helping others but are not ready to become a Certified Behavioral Health Peer Support Specialist?
Are you unsure if peer support is a good fit for you?
MPN's Peer Coaching Series may be the right place for you to start!
The Montana Peer Network has specifically created the Peer Coach Basic Training Education course for you to learn techniques to effectively support and serve those in need. This training series is designed to introduce peer coaching and providing guidance as you move forward supporting others. You will learn about the foundation of peer coaching, how to provide effective self-directed support for others, and information on possible career-advancement as you gain time in your own recovery. These courses are designed for those who wish to increase their support skills but do not intend to become Certified Behavioral Health Peer Support Specialists.
This training is divided into 4 areas which may be presented in one day or over several days.
Training Categories
Learn how to bring MPN resources to your community as an affiliate. Affiliates can share resources, coordinate efforts, provide a unified voice, and offer training and presentations. Each affiliate brings a unique focus and perspective to the organization as a whole. MPN has a solid positive reputation in the state and affiliates can leverage that.