About a month ago the US Supreme Court ruled communities can cite and fine homeless individuals for sleeping outside. This ruling empowers city and county commissioners in Montana to implement a ban on sleeping outside such as in a tent, in a park or on the street. The ruling was 6-3 so it was not unanimous. This ruling overturns the 9th Circuit Court which rules over the following states, Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. All these states all have high housing prices, a lack of services and tend to lean towards anti homelessness. In Montana we have seen a number of communities such as Kalispell and Lewistown become very vocal when nonprofits have attempted to implement services or temporary shelters for homeless individuals, with a, “Not in my town!” attitude. This of course begs the question. If not in your town, then where? Where exactly should individuals go if they cannot afford housing? This is a complex issue for sure. It seems to me that our leaders lack insight into that complexity. We can’t just move people down the road. The road only leads to another town. Where is issue starts all over again.