
Tag: Support

Building Resilience

In the complex landscape of mental health, resilience stands out as a beacon of hope and strength. For children dealing with mental health challenges, cultivating resilience is key. Resilience equips children with the ability to navigate adversity, bounce back from setbacks, and thrive despite life’s inevitable challenges. As a mom of two fabulous children with mental health challenges, I often feel unequipped to help them navigate these challenges. If I had a magic wand and could, “poof,” free them from their mental health struggles, I would. I would give anything to take away their pain and my hurt that comes from watching my kids go through that pain. The following are tangible skills our kids can learn to increase resilience. Resilience in turn fosters their capacity for emotional well-being and success.

Art Heals: Dream Catcher

SuppliesWooden hoop or Handmade wire hoop.Sinew, string, or ribbon.Suede laceBeadsFeathers & other decorative items.Glue (decoupage, Elmer glue, or hot glue gun)Dream Catcher Instructions:Place a line of glue on the wooden hoop and tightly wrap suede lace around it.Tie sinew (string) at the top of the circle & weave your web.Decorate your dream catcher by tying…
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Celebrating the New Year in Recovery

Celebrations that generally revolve around alcohol may be difficult for people in recovery and a good number of New Year’s Eve celebrations do just that. Toasting the new year with champagne is a staple for many celebrations. For those in recovery or who just prefer substance free New Year’s celebrations, it can be difficult to find activities. You can always host your own events but many of us hosted events just a few days ago and the thought of hosting another can be overwhelming.