
Behavioral Health Peer Services Provider/Employer Training


This half day 4 hour training is intended for providers/employers of peer services such as directors, managers, supervisors and upper level management.

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This half day 4 hour training is intended for providers/employers of peer services such as directors, managers, supervisors and upper level management. Certified Behavioral Health Peer Supporters are the newest edition to the behavioral health field. They utilized their €œlived experience in recovery€ to support clients in their recovery journey. Sounds simple, right? Yet, it can be a complex process. The most common question we are asked is, €œWhat do peer supporters do?€ We will explore that topic and all of those complexities of recruiting, hiring, training, supporting and maintaining peer support staff in this training.This training explores the following

  • History of peer support
  • Employer assessment and readiness evaluation
  • Peer Supporter Standards
  • Hiring and support for peer support staff
  • Clinical Supervision
  • Programing