by Nikki Russel, Recovery Coach
September 20, 2022
Recovery allows me to reframe the artwork that is my life. My addiction took that piece of artwork and buried it in the basement of my soul. Through the years, I piled boxes of trauma over the top of it, it gathered dust and lost all its value.
When I began the healing work of recovery, I slowly began to clear out the trauma revealing the exquisite artwork that is my life. I took the artwork and began to reframe it with thoughts that matched the life I wanted to live. It now has a prominent a place in my heart, and it hung for everybody to see. The same artwork but with the frame of recovery now holds immense value.
Recovery is taking ownership of my internal reality. It is creating a new narrative about how much I love versus how I look. My thoughts create my life, it can help me bring forth the God-given gifts that are meant to guide us down our purpose path or we can let the trauma story hide the artwork believing it is unworthy of display. Recovery gives me the creativity, clarity and strength to pull out my artwork put a gold frame around and present it for the world to see.
What story are you telling about your limitations? My story creates the perception of my reality and builds the foundation of my recovery that becomes the artwork I express to the world. Today I take responsibility for my recovery because it is the best piece of artwork, I could give myself and the world.